Hey Champ.
I feel your pain:(
I have been there.
Don't worry.
I'm here now.


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Wondering how I can help you?
Diagnosing the issue
- The Ancient Pedagogy : Knowledge based but lacks application.
- No Single Source to cover the syllabus
- Overcomplication of the Preparation.
- No emphasis on question solving(MCQ/Answer writing).
- Poor consolidation of Notes and information overload.
- Lack of critical problem-solving and Brainstorming.
- Draconian Current Affairs.
Fixing the issue
- 100% Application based Pedagogy.
- One stop solution to cover the entire UPSC Mains syllabus at one place.
- Simplifying the Prep. Making it #EasyPeasy.
- Writing 2000+ Answers and dimensions in Class.
- Strictly QnA/ MCQ Based classes.
- Crisp and to the point #OnePage Notes in Intro-Body- Conclusion format.
- The entire class is based on BRAINSTORMING, Critical thinking and Forward-Backward linkage.
- Crisp Breakdown of Current Affairs.
Why Dr. UPSC ?
- I will TEACH you this complicated MESS of UPSC like a FRIEND.
- I will teach you only what is IMPORTANT for the EXAM. #NoHawabaazi #SeedhiBaatNoBakwaas
- I will make this UPSC-Prep EASY PEASY for you.
The OG Pedagogy
- Learn from a TEACHER cum FRIEND.
- Learn BRAINSTORMing like a BOSS.
- Learn ANSWER WRITING like a PRO.
- Entire NOTES in Q&A Format.
- ANSWER WITTING of 2000+ Questions.